Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Straddie...Night Walk at Main Beach

A last minute decision lead us down the dirt track heading towards Main Beach...it was still daylight when we got there but the sun went down very quickly.  We weren't there for long but still managed to fit in some fun!

On your mark, get set.....


Kisses were being handed out everywhere!...

Me and my man!

Yes, we are a crazy bunch!...(especially that one on the far right!)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Straddie...South Gorge

Every year we make the trip over to Stradbroke Island with my brother and his family for a week or so.  It's seriously one of our favourite places to holiday!...(not that we've been to many places....he,he).  I kept forgetting to take my camera so I didn't get as many photos as I normally would...but still got some goodies.

We spend ALOT of time at the beach....I mean, why else do we come here! Most times we come we are lucky to spend a good day at South Gorge.  It's the perfect scenery and you could easily be on an exotic island!

Miss Ivy ate handful after handful of sand....YUM!

What will it be...a mermaid or a princess?

Can she get any cuter!?

My very own James Bond!

Finn and Milla enjoying a Sunnyboy.