Thursday, March 28, 2013

Christmas Fun...

Kacy and I LOVE doing Christmas activities with the kids leading up to Christmas.  We were a little slow getting into the swing of things and weren't able to do as much as we wanted to this year, but hey, that's ok!

Although there can be fights over the lollies, where to put them and who sits where, this is another tradition we love...creating a gingerbread house!

That afternoon, not in relation to Christmas at all, the girls decided on this business venture!! They sat out the front for a good half an hour waiting on someone to come by, but no one did :(  They were happy though and that's all that matters.  So darn cute!

Another favourite Christmas tradition is pulling out blankets and pillows and all piling into the lounge room for junk food and a family Christmas movie. I seriously LOVE doing this and who we do it with!

We tried a new activity this year...beaded snowflakes!  Both Kacy and I decided it's a keeper as it was so much fun sitting down all together and chatted with the kids as we threaded the beads on.  There were some really cute ones made including some that were loaded with ALL of the big beads! : /

As I look at these pictures it makes me realise that this won't be happening forever.  They are going to get older and not want to do cute little things like this anymore.  How sad!  However, hopefully the nature of the activities will change and we will still be able to continue this awesome tradition and help them feel the Christmas spirit.

Can't believe we almost didn't go....Straddie!

Last year we decided it was getting too much to take the kids out of school to go to Straddie, right when they we're going back and missing out on settling in with their new class.  And with Milla starting kindy, I really wanted her to be there the first couple weeks to get settled in and not miss out making friends etc.  Sooo, can you believe it, but we decided that we wouldn't go when Adam and Kacy came out.  What!?  It felt so weird to think that we weren't going so thanks to Adam's quick arrangements, we snuck across to Straddie for a week before Christmas.  Felt a little weird since we would normally go in February but hey, I'll take anything!  So, here's to making more memories for another year!!

As always, lots of time spent at the beach having fun. Our tribe...

These kiddos are seriously the best of friends!

Girl power!

Two gorgeous mermaids we found on the beach...

One stunning Mumma!  It was the twins first time in ocean waters.

Some sweet moments...

We heard about a dolphin that will come up to the jetty at Amity Point around 4ish to be fed, so we thought we would check it out.  There were lots of other people there but we manage to get a good spot on the steps and the kids loved seeing a 'real life dolphin' swim so close.

 My Mum and Dad came over for a day.  It was nice to have them around and spend time with us and the kids.  Do you think I look like my Dad?

Milla experimenting with the snorkel goggles for the first time...

This particular day was the perfect!  The water was clear and perfect temperature. The waves were the perfect size and breaking nicely so the kids could come out a little further than normal.  I have so much fun swimming with the girls...I feel young and silly!

Milla was not happy at all with me taking a picture...but that's life when trying to get a decent photo with kids!  There is always one.  But gosh I love these beauties...

We love Straddie!!