Saturday, October 23, 2010

Our Glamour Girl!

Aahhhh!!  She's 7!  I can't believe my baby girl, who I remember crying over in hospital one night, asking God to protect her all her life, is now seven!  Where in the world did those years go?  I must say though, although we want them to stay babies forever, I really do enjoy seeing my girls grow and get older.

In true Ella form, she woke at 5.30am and at about 5.35am starting getting upset because Sage and Milla weren't awake and she wanted to open her presents!!  She kept asking why they weren't awake..."ummm...because it's 5.30am in the morning!

Jewellery Stand from us....

Moxie Girl from Sage, Milla and Ivy...

After a day at school it was time to par-tay...Glamour Girl style!  She had four friends over and we had a night of hair, nails, craft, games and photo shoots!  What more could a seven year old ask for?

I know, I know...over did the pink a little huh?

The Cake...

First up...craft!  Each girl decorated a felt handbag to take home...

Next....Hair!  A friend from church, Alicia, joined in the fun and created a hair-do for each girl...

Make up time....

And here she is....

A party ain't a party without friends...

Kissing Barbie!

I have to laugh at Ella's friend Kyla (the one with the crazy eyes)...She's such a crack-up!  9 out ot 10 times of all the pics I took, she's got a crazy face.  She's a lot of fun!

Ivy's glamour shot!

Milla took the make-over into her own hands....the results?...Oh, what glamour queens!

Milla couldn't get enough of it, so the next morning, she's at it again!  Nice toes Milla!

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