Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ella turns 9 & Her Halloween Party

Nine. Did you hear that? Nine!!  Yikes, she's growing up fast now and already letting me know she's double digits next year!  Stop right now Ella!

We had family over for presents and cake, nothing too big as she wanted a Halloween Party this year.  I know it's an 'American' thing but when she asked for it I was just a teeny bit excited! 
So much you can do for Halloween!  

She was pretty excited when she got the dance bag she was wanting from Mama Lucy.

 Purse and headband from Aunty Jodie and a gorgeous ballerina bell necklace from Mama Lyn.

Shock horror to me, I bought a woolies cake!  What!?  She asked for it so that was fine with me.

 Uncle Nate & Aunty Jodie...

"Do we have something in our teeth?"

 Ella has so much love for her sisters and tries to be a good big sister to them all even though they annoy her at times. She tries really hard to do the right thing and get's upset when she feels likes its not working (I know that feeling!), she such a caring person...if anyone is hurt or upset, she is the first person to give them a cuddle and make them feel happy again.  She absolutely loves dancing, drawing, science, nature, the beach and ocean and doing girly things like shopping, nails and hair.


From left to right...Milla the scary ballerina, Sage the scary bride, Ivy the pretty ghost and Ella as the Spiderella Queen...

Some of the food...

Earwax on cotton tips...ewe!

Witches fingers...

Mummy Pizzas...

Ella's friends...

The first game we played was to see who does the most dramatic death.  The winner of each round went into the next until we had two in the finals.  I must admit, these kids were pretty awesome at it!

Can you tell she does dancing with Ella...very dramatic!!

I had the kids pair up and dress their partner up as a mummy...

After they finished I yelled out 'toilet paper fight' and I think they had the most fun throwing it around at everyone than anything else!  

Poor Uncle Matty copped most of it...

They loved apple bobbing too...some of the kids dunked their head right into it...

Milla was the smart one and grabbed the apples out with her hands while Sam wasn't looking, hehe...

She got the idea of it by the end...

This is the cake Ella WANTED...

This is the cake she got....Yep, NAILED IT!!

HAHA!  The icing was too soft and it all just melted away! :(  What a disaster!

And then they danced the night away...

It really was a great night and I'm pretty sure all the kids enjoyed themselves.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fun in the Park...

Both Ella and Sage we're out doing things with friends one Saturday so we decided to meet Mama and Dadda down at Cleveland Point with Milla and Ivy and enjoy the beautiful weather.

 I'm not sure what she's doing but this photo cracks me up!

It was a little windy and we went over to see some of the waves crashing up against the wall. I thought it was would be fun to get 'a little wet' but I didn't see it coming...

Yep...we got wet!!  Ivy wasn't' impressed but Milla and I had a good laugh.

Grandma buying an ice-cream makes everything better...


Kisses gone...Haha!

 And this was bound to happen...Uh oh!

"It's alright, I got it"...Gotta love the 10 second rule!

I love being able to spend time with 'less' children because it gives me the chance to give each girl one on one time...these cuties are so fun to be around!