Wednesday, April 9, 2014

In Loving Memory of my Nan...

My Nan passed away last year and I didn't want to miss the opportunity to say goodbye to her. 
She lived in Victoria so she wasn't nearby but I have so many memories of when she came to live with us when she left my Grandpa.  I was only young.  She would always sing to me and had some funny ones, including "Oh, I hit him on the head with the frying pan....and if I killed him, he had it com in'" which I look back now and wonder if she was singing about Grandpa!  I remember her being silly and making me laugh.  When she lived with us, I remember sitting in her room and she would make me a glass of Fruit Cup cordial and offer me mints that had chocolate in the centre.  It's funny how it's those little, simple things that stick the most.  My brother's would think differently...they say she was a grump!  But to me, Nanna was silly and made me laugh.  I'm glad she got to see all my girls, her great grandchildren too.  It would have been nice for them to have made memories with her but living in different states stopped that.

Dad helped carry her coffin, along with Mum's brothers John and Ken, Kyle her grandson, 
Alan her grandson-in-law and Les her brother. It was lovely to see all the men her in life carry her.

She had the most amazing arrangement of red roses on top (at her request).  She was also buried in her favourite red dress which I thought was pretty cool.  Went in style!

It was hard to see Mum watching Nan be lowered into the ground. 

This is David, Nanna's brother, scattering petals on her.
I had a great chat with David afterwards....he used to be a champion boxer back in the day!

Isn't it beautiful!? She would have thought so.
Before she was lowered I left her with a jar of those chocolate mints she used to give me, as I mentioned above, and a bunch of red roses, as they were her favourite.

Love you Nan!  xx


  1. What a beautiful tribute. I remember visiting her in 1994 when I was there as an exchange student. She made the most delicious pickled sandwiches. I don't even know what kind of spread she used but it was so yummy!

    1. She used to make her own tomato relish Roch! It was the best I've ever tasted...seriously! When she used to come and visit us in her older age, she would make herself a sandwich and she put almost half an onion on she loved onion that much!
