Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mt Tambourine

We ventured up to Mt Tambourine last weekend so Michael could do the high Ropes course up there.  It was such a beautiful setting...tall trees, running creek...ahhh!  I was pretty bummed I wasn't able to do it with him since I sprained my ankle last week...Grrr!  Michael and I went up in the morning and then Lyn and Steve bought the girls up to have lunch with us and spend the rest of the day together....

Oh yeah!...lookin good guys!

Michael getting rigged up.

The girls were desperate to go for a horse ride.  We were surprised when Milla said she wanted to have a turn too...Yay for Milla!

Could you ask for a cuter horse rider?

Ella and Sage's turn...

I couldn't be a prouder Mum!  I often look at my girls and say to myself "are they really mine?".  I love that each one has their own individual personalities and the unique things they bring to our family. 

So blessed!


  1. those girls are super cute, what did you expect from two super cute parents?

  2. too cute Corinne... keep them coming please
