Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ella's Dance Competition

What can I say....I'm a proud mumma!  Ella competed in her second dance competition with it being the first year doing ballet (last year she was only in Jazz).   Surprisingly she was more nervous than before and started to cry.  I must admit it was driving me a little crazy because I knew she would do well...but I held my cool (yay for me!) because I didn't want to look like one of the crazy mum's who is trying to live her dream through her child!

First up was Jazz.  They perform a short dance in pairs with someone else from their class.
They aren't the best pics, but you get the idea!

After all the girls had danced they are given their placement.  All girls get a ribbon regardless for competing which I think is great!  Those who receive a placement receive a badge also and I'm pretty proud to say that Ella came first!!

Next up was ballet.  The theme was Hansel and Gretel and one of the requirements is not only the dancing but she also had to portrait the character correctly.  Because we don't get to watch Ella at each lesson, it's all new to us when we finally see her on stage and in competitions.  She danced great in both, but Michael and I were blown away with how well she danced in ballet.  Let's just say she's a great little actress too!  (But we knew that anyway huh ;) )

Dropping the bread crumbs so she can 'find her way out'...

Here she is listening to see if anyone is home
(after she knocked on the door but we didn't get that on camera!)...

She's eating the house and finds it's very yummy! haha...

'Oh no!  The old lady is being mean'...

'Well ok, we'll do the housework then'...

Mop, mop, mop....

Pushing the old lady in the oven...

Presentation time.  First again!  Woohoo Ella!

Uncle Matty bought Ella flowers...She thought it was a great occasion for it...yes, she asked him to buy her some!  Haha!

It was a really great afternoon and even better that we were able to see her dance.  She was so proud of herself and wanted to do more!  Congratulations take after me!

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