Saturday, July 23, 2011

Miss Ivy turns 1...

Waaahh!  A big sooky sob from me!!  Where in the world has the last year gone and when did Ivy turn one already?  Saying that though, I really love watching my girls grow and develop and become their own little person.  Ivy is certainly her own little self!  She's proving to be 1 turning 5, wanting to do everything the girls are doing but getting frustrated because she's!

Some things that she is doing now are:

1.  She loves to dance.  I especially love her attempt to do a 'twirl'.
2.  When she sees our chickens she likes to say 'bub, bub, bub' but sometimes get's confused half way
     through and says 'ub, ub, ub'
3.  Loves being outside and exploring.  Especially with sand.
4.  When she chucks a tantrum (yes, my one year old is doing that) she's very careful not to hit her head
     hard when she goes on the ground and rolls over.  Haha!  One of my favs to watch!
5.  She points at EVERYTHING.  I sometimes catch her with her hand beside herself in the 'point'
     position waiting for something to point at!
6.  She has 3 big sisters that absolutely adore her.

When I see all the girls around Ivy playing with her I often think how awesome it must be for her to come into the family at this many people around her that love her!

Lots of love from her sisters...

I planned my last first birthday party EVER!  for this little munchkin.  A ladybug theme was decided and I'm so glad I did because doesn't she make the cutest ladybug!

Some of the food...

Ivy LOVES watermelon...but what kid doesn't right!?

Even has time to point in between bites...

LOVE family photos, but I'm starting to except it's hard to get everyone looking great!

Coming back from a ride with Daddy...

Cake time!...She got a little shocked when we started singing to her...

Once she discovered the little balls around the cake, she popped them in one after another and she wasn't stopping until they were all gone.


We love you Ivy!


  1. She is one cute baby! Thanks for the great post and it was fun seeing the family photo! Your babies are all so beautiful:)

  2. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute. I love that little girl, she sure makes me smile :) Looks like the party was a success!
