Sunday, August 28, 2011

New York, New York!!...Day 1

Can you believe I almost passed up the opportunity to come to this place!?  With the guilt of leaving my girls again, including Ivy who's still just a bubba, plus asking my fav in-laws to take all four for 9 days just overruled the need to go.  But thankfully to my wonderful sis-in-law....she convinced me otherwise and then I was there baby with no regrets!

Adam gave Michael the luxury of going first class from LA to NYC so it was Kacy, Adam and I up in cattle this girl!

I kind of like this pic....and to be honest it's all I want to remember about our taxi ride into NY.  
I want to try and forget the bad odours of our Mr Bangladesh taxi driver man!  Ewe!

The day we got there is was pouring down, but that doesn't stop NewYork from going!  We arrived late afternoon and walked and 'ate' the streets until about midnight that night.

The famous Time Square...

We went into a Cathedral, yep, right there in the middle of the city. 
I know it's nothing like what you get in Europe but still pretty impressive!

Carnegie Deli!  
This place has pictures of all the famous people who have visited and I could see why...the food was amazing!  We had The Reuben, a famous dish there.  Not much too it, just a whole lot of the most amazing corn beef with sauerkraut and mozarella cheese.  This is meant to be an open sandwich!  Underneath all that beef was a small piece of bread....but that's the Carnegie way!


Adam and Kacy.

 We slowly 'rolled' our way back to the hotel, exhausted, but excited to see what tomorrow will bring!

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