Monday, November 28, 2011

11th September - Lily's Birthday and One Year in Blog World!

This date marks one year since I first started my blog.  Thanks to Kacy, who felt like she was missing out on what we were doing living so far apart, she motivated me to start one.  So glad I did it too!

My very first post was the 3rd anniversary since Lily died, so this year we marked her 4th year anniversary.
It was different this year.  I've always heard the saying 'time will heal' and at the time of Lily's death I couldn't imagine how that could ever be true! I never imagined what I was feeling could ever go away.  But time does heal, it has in our lives anyway, and I think that's why this year was hard for me.  If the only way I can relate to my little girl is through heartache, pain and loss and time is healing all those feelings, then how am I suppose to feel close to her anymore?  It may not make any sense to those who haven't experienced it but in a way I still want to have that heartache so I can stay close to my little girl.

But that's not how it's meant to be...we are meant to heal and become stronger from our trials and that we have.  So this year, I had to re-adjust my 'relationship' with Lily to one of peace.  I was lucky to have the chance to talk to a mother who lost her baby boy when she was 6 months old through cot death.  That was almost 20 something years ago and she helped me to realise how Lily can still play an important role in our family as time moves on.  I know as my girls get older they will seek strength from what we went through as a family, through their own trials, and have peace also.

So, enough with the deep and meaningful...As always, we spend the day as a family remembering Lily.  We visited her grave with beautiful flowers to put on there and sing Happy Birthday.

I get so much joy watching the girls run over to her grave to say hello.

Trying to get the right pic is not always easy...

But we get there in the end...sort of!

Lots of family pics!

We then enjoyed the afternoon down the coast.

Ivy thought it was the greatest thing and we had to keep a close eye on her as all she wanted to do was run to the water...

She kept pointing to the water...

And then slapping the sand wanting it to come it!  It was so adorable to watch. 

I was able to capture Ella writing in the sand...awe, she misses her baby sister.

I seriously love the time we spend together as a family to remember Lily.
It's something I never want to stop.

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