Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy, Happy Birthday Milla!

Yikes!  I have some catching up to do....

This year Father's Day landed on Milla's birthday so the morning started out with gifts for daddy
 and lots of kisses! 

Next up was Milla's turn celebrating her 3rd birthday....she was so excited to get her very own kitchen!

We had a little family get together that night.  Awe, I love how little she is compared to Matt.

Ivy sneaking a cheeky draw on Milla's new blackboard...

And Ella and Sage...

Best Buddies...

Happy Birthday Milla!

The celebrations continue!  We had a few friends over for an ice-cream party...

Outdoor play with some water.

Friends for life!

Milla had such a fun couple of days for her birthday.  Time flies when your having fun!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like Miss Milla had a great birthday. I love all the kissy photos with Daddy and his girls:)
