Sunday, October 7, 2012

Straddie Salute

When Michael and I heard about a triathlon that was over at Straddie in September, there was no doubt we wanted to be apart of it!  I mean, swimming, running and riding with the beautiful backdrop of Straddie.  We packed up the kids and headed over there to make the most of what we knew would be a great weekend, along with some of our other training buddies.

My first and only event was the day we arrived (Saturday) which was the 1000m Ocean Swim.

Here I am with Karen, a friend that is well acquainted with the sport of triathlons (she's competed in the Hawaiian Ironman!).  She's been great guidance for both Michael and I coming into the sport. 

All 'capped' up and ready to go...Stylin'!

And before I know it, it's all over and I'm greeted by these cuties at the finish line!!  Nothing beats having your family around to share it with. 

As this was my first ocean swim and had nothing to compare it to, I was pretty happy to do it in 16 minutes!!

Some of our other training buddies. They are so motivating and uplifting to be around. 
Hard working, encouraging and positive!

Afterwards the kids went for a swim.  Lots of wave jumping!

I love that my girls are confident to swim in the ocean.  They love it!

My water babies...

Milla, Cooper, Jack, Ella and Sage...

 Ella and Sage doing the 'duck face'.  I told them NEVER AGAIN!!

Sunday was Michael's turn! 
He was doing the full triathlon (I got back from the States a week earlier and wasn't sure my fitness would be up to scratch...thankfully, I made the right choice because everyone said it was a hard course!)

Michael thinking whether it was a good choice that he left his floaties at home! Hehe

Some of the gang...

Running out of the water (750m Swim)...Afterwards he said that a jellyfish stung him across the face and mouth.  Any wonder he's got his tongue hanging out!!

Coming in from the ride (15km)...

Heading out for the run (8km).  Although it's easy for Michael to run 10km, he along with the other's, said it was so tough because you couldn't get into a rhythm with the constant change of roads, hills, dirt tracks, beach, hills and steps!  

Finish line...Woohoo! He did it!

The cheer squad!
Crazy bunch of kids...not sure where they get it from! :p

 It seriously was such a great weekend and we've already committed to do it again next year.

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