Sunday, October 7, 2012


A friend from my church tagged me in this picture and posted it on Facebook, tempting me with..

"It's that time of year again!! I know you love them :) "

I have the best memories of the big mulberry tree we had at the back of our yard growing up as a child. I remember getting them all over my mouth, hands and clothes, climbing the branches to get the big juicy ones and having to even go up on the garden shed to get even higher!  It's such a simple thing but it's makes me feel happy when I think about it.

Nikki was kind enough to invite us over to her beautiful 10 acres of land at Cedar Creek to allow my girls to experience mulberry (or maaarlberry, if your Milla) picking and tasting for the first time. 

Heading down the back to the orchid...

Let the picking begin!...

They were so proud of their whole three berries...

Milla and Ivy checking to see if they like them...

 Hmmm...not as dirty as I wanted them but Milla is close ;)

It was the coolest thing to see Charlotte (one of Nikki's daughter's) ride around the property on this mini motorbike!  After their initial shyness, the girls finally gave it a go and then getting them off became
the problem!

While the girls rode around, we walked to their creek. Because of the lack of rain it wasn't flowing but there's still fun to be had!  Nikki showed me how high it comes up and I could imagine how beautiful it would be running.  Always something so simple to make them happy...

I told Ella she didn't get enough mulberry juice around her mouth, so her and Charlotte disappeared for a moment and came back with smeared mulberries all over their that's more like it! 
A true mulberry experience!

We headed to the other side of the creek and Milla was pretty happy to find some baby tadpoles.  She loves 'collecting' bugs whether it be a moth, stinkbug or tadpoles, as long as it's alive she loves it!

Charlotte and Sage going for a quick dip...

We then enjoyed some yummy homemade mulberry pie. If you know me, I love pie!  So good!

The little ones conveniently ran through the hose as Nikki watered her vegetable patch. 
They had so much fun, once again, with such a simple thing...

 It was such a fun day and I think the thing I enjoyed most was seeing the girls be outside.  It's so easy to stay inside and watch TV but here there was so much to discover and do that TV isn't much of an option. Thanks again Nikki for such a great day!

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