Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Mt Tambourine Camping...

We had a quick escape up to Mt Tambourine with Mamma and Dadda (Michael's parents) for a couple of days last year in May.  It was such a beautiful spot, with nothing to do, but that's what I loved about it so much!  No TV or gadgets to distract us, just 100% focus on the kids and family.  

Sage was a great helper with getting the tarp on top of the pole.

We camped near a beautiful tree that had a swing on it and the girls LOVED it!  But Ivy claimed it as 'hers' and there we many tears over who's turn it was.  I think we agreed the next time we came up we wouldn't camp near the swing! Haha.  Ivy asked for us to push her on it every two seconds!

We did some exploring around the grounds and found some treasures.

When camping, do what campers do!  Oh yeah, we totally went there!  Jaffles with plastic cheese and canned goodness!  Nasty, but oh so good! 

Ivy was such a good helper with washing up the dishes...or dish!

The beautiful sunrise we got to wake up to each morning.

 It was so cold but if I ever had to rough it, I would rough it with Steve!  Every morning, he would get out of bed before any of us and start the fire so that when we woke up, we would have a nice warm fire to sit around.  Seriously, that man takes good care of us!

Absolutely loved sitting around the fire each night, chatting and laughing and playing games. 
Family time is the best!  This is what makes me truly happy.

On our last night there, we went to a lookout to watch the sun go down.  
Was such a highlight of the trip!  

We had so many of my favs happen over this weekend, with many memories made.  A warm fire, nature, camping and most importantly family time.  I love being surrounded by those I love!


  1. Great photos and such happy memories! You are so blessed to live close to both sets of Grandparents. Your kids will have so many memories of them. I love the photo of Mike and the girls by the campfire in the early morning...so cute!

    1. Thanks Roch! Yes, we are very blessed to be so close. x
