Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We milked us some cows and picked us some strawberries!

A couple of weeks ago Mum, Dad and our family went up to Wittacork Dairy Cottages in Maleny for a farm stay.  We've visited there a few years ago and last time we said "we definitely have to go back there!".  There are two cottages plus a farm house...and that's it!  So it's nice and quiet and there's no tears because they didn't get a turn at feeding.  We are so glad we went back.  With Ella and Sage being that little bit older they were able to enjoy it more and not be some afraid of the was Milla's turn for that!

Dad and Ella were quick to get out and explore.  Here they stand in front of the milking shed. 
Just something of the funny side...Farmer Anne (the farm stay is hosted by a couple, Anne and Rob) said that Ella was very 'flashy' and a little over dressed for the farm...Would Ella be any other way!?


Every afternoon we are able to watch the cows get milked and then feed the animals (and morning if we want to get up at 5.30am).  As we arrived early afternoon we were able to get straight into it.

They allow us to sit on one side of the milking area and we are literally eye level with the 'girls' bosoms! 

They give the kids a chance at milking....


And then they put these suckers (literally) on....
I know I'm asking for it...but I took this one for Adam...(here comes the jokes referring it to me!)
I can still hear "you don't have breasts you have mammary glands"..haha...still makes me laugh!

Mmmm...Fresh Milk

During the milking Anne would fill up these bottles so the kids could feed the calves.
The best we could do with Milla was get her to put her hand on the bottle!

 Even Ivy got a turn...
HAHAHA...look at that face....CRACKS ME UP, I tell ya!!

This is Farmer Rob's 'Gator' and he took the girls for a ride every afternoon.
He and his wife Anne are the nicest people. Michael and Dad would stay and chat with them for about an hour or two after the 'jobs' were done and the sun was starting to set.

We met this lovely family up there...The Cunninghams.  They had two daughters and then twin boys.  Ava (their eldest) got on really well with the girls. So much so, that she stayed with us for about 3 hours while the rest of their family went out.  How's that for trust!  She was a really sweet little girl.

Here are the twins, Alex and Jake with Milla.  They were the same age and so cute!!

Alex couldn't get enough of Sage. Every chance he got he would jump on her!  She's picking something up from the ground here and sure enough...Alex is on her!  So funny!

I was up early with Ivy one morning and I was lucky enough to watch the sun come beautiful!

On the way home, we stopped to pick some strawberries at a farm.  It lasted a whole 5 minutes! We had to pay by the kilo and you can imagine the girls picking like crazy because they wanted to pick 'all the red ones'!  So it was a quick event but the girls still enjoyed themselves!

In case you didn't already know, here's how to pick a strawberry...

                               Step 1:  Pick the strawberry.               Step 2.  Examine the strawberry.

Step 3.  Say "I did it!" and put it in your bucket.

If all else fails...take a nap and have someone do it for you!

We had such a lovely weekend, it's always nice to getaway from the day to day run of things.
  Maleny is such a beautiful place.
It was really nice to spend some time with Mum and Dad aswell.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ivy Elisabeth...My absolute baby of all my babies!!


This post is especially for Ivy.  I remember when I fell pregnant with Sage and Ella was only 6 months old.  I remember crying....hard!  I was so infatuated with my first baby that I couldn't even imagine loving another one.  I remember saying to Mum "How am I going to have enough love for the both of them!?"  I must have been under a hormonal spell because of course you have enough love for them....the more you have the greater the love!  Here we are 5 babies on and I love this little gal just as much as the others! Her little personality is showing a little more...she is such a little talker!  I love it best when I fake cough at her and she copies me....I love it even more when she looks into my eyes (and I mean straight into them, no distractions) and smiles at me.  I know I'm her whole world.

Here are some pics from when she was first born...

Her Blessing Day

"Funny Hair, Funny Hair!"
Family tradition...we have done this with all of the girls...he,he

She has this classic 'stink eye' funny!


So now knowing that all my girls are with me now, I KNOW I have given life to all the children Heavenly Father planned for me to have.  Things don't just happen by chance or coincidence...they are planned by a loving Heavenly Father who trust us!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Milla loooooooves taggie blankees!  When she's tired she loves to play with the tags and rub them on her face. I think it gives her a lot of comfort, along with the dummy.  Often she will lean over and give us the 'taggie experience' by rubbing it on our faces too!  A couple of months ago, Aunty Kacy asked me what Milla would like for her birthday, and also for Ivy...and because she is so awesome at sewing and creating, I asked if she could make taggie blankees. 

We were so excited (yes, I was very excited too) when Michael came home with TWO taggie blankees in is hand.

I can honestly say I have never seen more beautiful, classy and sophisticated taggies in all my life!!  I asked Milla which one she would like and she has chosen the pink one.

I asked Milla to FIND taggie...

There it is!

Thanks so much for making them....we LOVE it!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Avocado in a Smoothie?

For a while now, Michael has wanted to try an avocado smoothie that Kelly Slater mentions in one of his books.  This morning we went on that quest!

Avocado in a smoothie you ask?  Well I have to say that it would have to be one of our  new favs now!!  Honestly, you need to try it.  Here are the ingredients:

1 Avocado
1/2 cup of almonds
2 tablespoons of natural yogurt
2 cups of water
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence (the natural stuff is best of course but we just used imitation)
3 - 4 tablespoons of Agave Nectar (available from Health food stores)
5 - 6 cubes of ice (optional)

In a blender, add almonds and water and blend until it looks like a milk.  Add remaining ingredients and blend until smooth.

YUM!  Great way to start the day or for a snack.

Remembering Lily....3 years on!

Today has been 3 years since we lost our Lily.  We try to do something each year as a family and dedicate the day to her.  This year we headed down the coast.  We love to visit with her and take fresh flowers to put on her grave.

I wanted to get a family photo now that 'were all here'....(no more kiddos coming to this family!).  

It makes me so happy to look at this pic!  I love seeing my family all together.  I love that Michael and I look more mature...he,he...and it reminds me of what we've been through in the past three years.  I love my family so much and I'm so glad that we have been sent these gorgeous girls.

After we sang Happy Birthday to her, the girls looked for fresh flowers around the gardens
 to give to Lily....

Milla got to carry the flowers we bought for her...

And Ivy just got to be held....

After a picnic lunch we headed to the beach at Greenmount.  The day was perfect and the water was crystal clear.  Definitely one of our favourite spots!

Little Ivy lazing around in the park...notice the outfit Aunty Kacy?

Milla has been talking about "charlie beach" for a couple of weeks now and I have no idea what she's talking about.  So today I asked "Are you glad we're finally at charlie beach?" and she said "Yes!" but I'm not convinced...hmm....I have a feeling SHE doesn't even know what "charlie beach" is!

After the beach we got a Slurpee each and headed home.  It was a really nice day and the weather couldn't have been more perfect.  As I thought about Lily today and how I actually 'feel' about it all now,  I have so much peace knowing the purpose or meaning of it all.  I know that Michael and I were chosen to be her parents and provide a body (even though not perfect) for her so she could be resurrected. When I think of Lily I see her as a grown women, intelligent and doing the Lord's work 'up there'.  She truly is an example to us all.  I feel so privileged to have had her in our lives and to be called her Mummy.  

I love you sweet girl and can't wait to be with you again. xx