Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remembering Lily....3 years on!

Today has been 3 years since we lost our Lily.  We try to do something each year as a family and dedicate the day to her.  This year we headed down the coast.  We love to visit with her and take fresh flowers to put on her grave.

I wanted to get a family photo now that 'were all here'....(no more kiddos coming to this family!).  

It makes me so happy to look at this pic!  I love seeing my family all together.  I love that Michael and I look more mature...he,he...and it reminds me of what we've been through in the past three years.  I love my family so much and I'm so glad that we have been sent these gorgeous girls.

After we sang Happy Birthday to her, the girls looked for fresh flowers around the gardens
 to give to Lily....

Milla got to carry the flowers we bought for her...

And Ivy just got to be held....

After a picnic lunch we headed to the beach at Greenmount.  The day was perfect and the water was crystal clear.  Definitely one of our favourite spots!

Little Ivy lazing around in the park...notice the outfit Aunty Kacy?

Milla has been talking about "charlie beach" for a couple of weeks now and I have no idea what she's talking about.  So today I asked "Are you glad we're finally at charlie beach?" and she said "Yes!" but I'm not convinced...hmm....I have a feeling SHE doesn't even know what "charlie beach" is!

After the beach we got a Slurpee each and headed home.  It was a really nice day and the weather couldn't have been more perfect.  As I thought about Lily today and how I actually 'feel' about it all now,  I have so much peace knowing the purpose or meaning of it all.  I know that Michael and I were chosen to be her parents and provide a body (even though not perfect) for her so she could be resurrected. When I think of Lily I see her as a grown women, intelligent and doing the Lord's work 'up there'.  She truly is an example to us all.  I feel so privileged to have had her in our lives and to be called her Mummy.  

I love you sweet girl and can't wait to be with you again. xx

1 comment:

  1. Awe! I love it! What a perfect post to start this adventure with...I can't tell you how darn happy this makes me! :) Wheeeeeee!
