Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ivy Elisabeth...My absolute baby of all my babies!!


This post is especially for Ivy.  I remember when I fell pregnant with Sage and Ella was only 6 months old.  I remember crying....hard!  I was so infatuated with my first baby that I couldn't even imagine loving another one.  I remember saying to Mum "How am I going to have enough love for the both of them!?"  I must have been under a hormonal spell because of course you have enough love for them....the more you have the greater the love!  Here we are 5 babies on and I love this little gal just as much as the others! Her little personality is showing a little more...she is such a little talker!  I love it best when I fake cough at her and she copies me....I love it even more when she looks into my eyes (and I mean straight into them, no distractions) and smiles at me.  I know I'm her whole world.

Here are some pics from when she was first born...

Her Blessing Day

"Funny Hair, Funny Hair!"
Family tradition...we have done this with all of the girls...he,he

She has this classic 'stink eye' look....so funny!


So now knowing that all my girls are with me now, I KNOW I have given life to all the children Heavenly Father planned for me to have.  Things don't just happen by chance or coincidence...they are planned by a loving Heavenly Father who trust us!


  1. what a beautiful little baby girl. I can't believe I have never met any of your children, they are all so adorable...maybe one of these days I can get out there for a visit:)

  2. Doesnt she just look like.....well, Ivy? I seriously think she looks like her own self! She's such a doll, I can't belive we havent officially met and I love her to pieces already!
