Monday, January 24, 2011

Lookout 30's...

I remember when I was a teenager never being able to see past my 19th birthday.  Why? Because I was going to die!  For some strange reason, I never thought I was going to live past the age of 19.  Crazy huh!  But lo and behold...I'm still alive and I am so happy to be 30!  From what I hear, a lot of people, but not all, are anxious to hit their 30's because it means they are getting old!  Not for me though!  It's a time I've been waiting for.  For the last 7 years I've been having babies and now having finished, I am so excited to get my bod back, raise my family and do it all with the love of my life, Michael!

I'm not one who likes to be the centre of attention, I'm a behind the scenes kind of gal.  So planning a party where everyone was going to be there for me was a little scary.  But I managed to get over myself...haha... and I had a great night with great friends!

Here are some pics of the layout which my brother took.  While I was madly trying to help finalise everything, I forgot to take better pictures of the details but on a brighter note...It was perfect weather!

Entry way...

I had random sized jars with tea lights in them lining the walkway... 

Some of the goodies made by the wonderful Kacy...

Some of the party goers...

Trouble...gotta watch this guy! ;)

Kerry lovingly admiring me while I give my rambling 'speech' that I wanted to avoid!...

One of the things I wanted to do was have a photobooth, but at $800+ I decided to make my own.  There were so many great photos taken but here are some of my favourites (which are many!)...

Props suitcase...

I love this one of my 70 year old Aunty...what a sport!

HAHA!  Ric and Nate do such a good job at being girls!

Two beauties!...

I love Finn and Milla in this pic...

Yep, he sure does love me!...I mean, can you blame him!?

HAHA!!  I'm still laughing!  Such a good night!
Thank you to all my wonderful friends and family that helped me to celebrate.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sage turns 6!

Aaaahhh....they keep growing up on me!  I make my kids promise with me that they won't grow up but they're not keeping their promises too well!  On the 1st of January Sage turned 6.  I was in bed most of the day with a gross stomach so Michael came to the rescue (as he always does!) and made this cake for her.  He did a good job huh!?

I couldn't resist putting this one in...

On Monday Sage had her mermaid pool party.  First up was some craft.
They all made a starfish wand with lots and lots...and lots of glitter and jewels.

Sage's fellow mermaids...

Rahni and Sage

Some of the delish food for the mermaids...

Mermaid Cake at Sage's request...

Present time...

Sage would have to be the most easiest going girl and she has the best sense of humour!  She always makes us laugh with her crazy faces and pranks that she does on her younger sisters like pushing Ivy in a dolls pram or putting blu-tak over her face.

She certainly is a valuable part of our family and we love her so much!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The most wonderful time of the year....

Christmas!  We love Christmas!  This year I wanted to simplify Christmas, so Michael and I decided to have a simple dinner and use the money that we would normally spend on dinner, to put towards a couple of hampers for people that may need some Christmas cheer.  So before we had our dinner we set out with the kids and delivered the goodies.  It was so good to see my girls have such a good feeling in their heart which you could totally see on their faces.  So we've decided to make it a new tradition.  Each year, before we enjoy own dinner we would do some service to people that may be less fortunate than us or just need to feel some love!  Next up was Christmas dinner.

Not sure what's going on with the girl's faces here! Haha.

On the menu this year was ham, chinese wombok salad and broccoli salad, pineapple, beetroot, peas and corn.  Simple huh!? But that's what I wanted!


We all love pavlova in our house so at the request of Michael, I made this cherry and lychee layered pavlova...sounds fancy huh!  But it's super easy and was quite delicious actually! 

I stole the great tradition from Kacy, my sister-in-law of having the girls open one present Christmas Eve.  And every Christmas Eve it's the same thing...

...New pyjamas!! 
I like to try and make them (or should I say watch Lyn, my mother-in-law make them!),
but time ran out this year and they got a singlet and undie set instead.

The girls put out a VERY small bowl of water, a single carrot and Sage sprinkled some 'reindeer food'.  It often amazes me how they don't switch onto the whole thing...I mean a small bowl and one carrot for eight or nine reindeer! But I must admit, I love their innocent belief in it all and it will be a very sad day when they no longer believe in Santa. I will miss it!

Bedtime!...Ella and Sage share a room, so we pushed their beds together so they could all sleep in the same room.  Milla thought it was the greatest thing in the world!

The girls broke a new record the next morning with a start of 4.30am...Ouch!  It was also Ivy's first Christmas and as always she loved the wrapping paper better than the gift!