Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sage turns 6!

Aaaahhh....they keep growing up on me!  I make my kids promise with me that they won't grow up but they're not keeping their promises too well!  On the 1st of January Sage turned 6.  I was in bed most of the day with a gross stomach so Michael came to the rescue (as he always does!) and made this cake for her.  He did a good job huh!?

I couldn't resist putting this one in...

On Monday Sage had her mermaid pool party.  First up was some craft.
They all made a starfish wand with lots and lots...and lots of glitter and jewels.

Sage's fellow mermaids...

Rahni and Sage

Some of the delish food for the mermaids...

Mermaid Cake at Sage's request...

Present time...

Sage would have to be the most easiest going girl and she has the best sense of humour!  She always makes us laugh with her crazy faces and pranks that she does on her younger sisters like pushing Ivy in a dolls pram or putting blu-tak over her face.

She certainly is a valuable part of our family and we love her so much!

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