Monday, January 24, 2011

Lookout 30's...

I remember when I was a teenager never being able to see past my 19th birthday.  Why? Because I was going to die!  For some strange reason, I never thought I was going to live past the age of 19.  Crazy huh!  But lo and behold...I'm still alive and I am so happy to be 30!  From what I hear, a lot of people, but not all, are anxious to hit their 30's because it means they are getting old!  Not for me though!  It's a time I've been waiting for.  For the last 7 years I've been having babies and now having finished, I am so excited to get my bod back, raise my family and do it all with the love of my life, Michael!

I'm not one who likes to be the centre of attention, I'm a behind the scenes kind of gal.  So planning a party where everyone was going to be there for me was a little scary.  But I managed to get over myself...haha... and I had a great night with great friends!

Here are some pics of the layout which my brother took.  While I was madly trying to help finalise everything, I forgot to take better pictures of the details but on a brighter note...It was perfect weather!

Entry way...

I had random sized jars with tea lights in them lining the walkway... 

Some of the goodies made by the wonderful Kacy...

Some of the party goers...

Trouble...gotta watch this guy! ;)

Kerry lovingly admiring me while I give my rambling 'speech' that I wanted to avoid!...

One of the things I wanted to do was have a photobooth, but at $800+ I decided to make my own.  There were so many great photos taken but here are some of my favourites (which are many!)...

Props suitcase...

I love this one of my 70 year old Aunty...what a sport!

HAHA!  Ric and Nate do such a good job at being girls!

Two beauties!...

I love Finn and Milla in this pic...

Yep, he sure does love me!...I mean, can you blame him!?

HAHA!!  I'm still laughing!  Such a good night!
Thank you to all my wonderful friends and family that helped me to celebrate.

1 comment:

  1. I luuuuuuurve it! Seriously fun night and I'll remember it forever. Love you! Ps. If I ever have a photo booth at my party I'm inviting Ric purely for the pics :) HAHAHA! Still laughing!
