Wednesday, August 31, 2011

For those of you who don't know...

I write this post for two reasons - firstly, for my daughters.  I consider this blog as a journal of some sort.  In years to come as the girls get older, I look forward to going through the years gone by and reminiscing about our family adventures and tender moments.

The second reason is for anyone who reads this blog that doesn't know this side of me.  I'm a spiritual girl!  I love to think about life, family, the world, the universe...God.  It's something that has always been apart of me and always will.  I've had experiences where I have felt the power of a higher being giving me strength and peace and I can't deny that.  I love to learn, particularly when it comes to God and his ways.  I don't share this to convert you but so you understand what drives me, motivates me, teaches me, inspires and brings me happiness.

Ella, Sage, Milla and Ivy -  I want you to know what gives me strength in life and the help I know I can receive when trials inevitably come my (and your) way.  That strength is my faith in Jesus Christ.  I want you to know that I have a strong faith in a loving Heavenly Father who knows me and helps me through this life.  I want you to know that his power is real and I have felt it many times in my life, in particular when we lost Lily.  I hope you desire to live the same life as I do, meaning the same morals, faith and values.  Of course, this is something you need to decide and acquire for yourself, but I know the happiness it brings me and you know, that I want nothing more than for you to be happy!  Not just a momentary happiness but an everlasting one!  One that gives you hope, peace and love!  The happiness that comes as you are obedient to God's commandments.

I want to share and take note of some video's which have moved me. And I kind of want it to be a place where I can come to without having to search for them.  I've watched these videos more than once.  More than a few times actually.  They are my 'go-to's' when I'm struggling or feeling down.  This first one in particular motivated me to write this post.  Sometimes words aren't needed to explain things, sometimes they just speak for themselves.  But I hope they may bring you understanding, peace, answer questions etc that you may have in your own lives, or even just make you feel good.

"My name is Stephanie Neilson and I am not my body..."
Such an example of how we can overcome adversity.

Come What May & Love It!
The way we react to adversity can be a major factor in how happy and successful we can be in life.
One of my favourite talks...

I think I have watched this video about 10 times and I think it will be one I always want to be able to refer back to.  This man is incredible and such an example to me.  He has learnt so many lessons, some sacred, which he has freely shared with the rest of the world.

This helps me to remember my divine calling as a mother and wife...

The privilege of Motherhood, and what a privilege it is!  I can relate to her in so many ways...

This reminds me of the tender mercies I have felt in my own life...

Because I love my husband and the expressions of love he shows me...

"Be kind, because everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

I think this video speaks for itself, very powerful.  I love the analogy.

I love these words, so hopeful and inspiring!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

New York, New York!!...Day 4

On the last day we taxied over to Ground Zero.  It was kind of erie actually.  To walk through the same streets where such chaos, destruction and death occurred, was very humbling.

This was one of the many tall building surrounding us.

We found a memorial museum of people who were there when the towers came down or lost loved ones.  At first we thought it was a bit of a rip off charging $15 each to get in, but I'll have to admit it was truly moving.  I found myself in tears!

Some of the twisted steel recovered from the towers.

A window recovered from one of the planes that hit the towers.

I really liked this display.  The story behind it goes like this...

This the one of the tiny cranes her family donated that she folded.  As she said above, she hopes it will enable 'you to understand other people's feelings as if they are your own."

The display of cranes that was sent over by the Japanese people.

This jacket was donated by the firefighter's family, who lost his life.  Notice the massive rip down one side., and his helmet was party melted. They didn't find his jacket and hat until weeks after his body was found. It was obviously blown off him!

 After that, we headed over to the famous Wall Street...yeah, not that exciting!  Not sure what this building is but everyone else was taking a pic so I figured I'd do the same! Haha!

We decided to take the subway back to Time Square.  It was kind of scary knowing that you couldn't see the light of day once you were down there.  No light at the end of the tunnels here!  It was a fun ride, seeing all the different people of NY, but I especially enjoyed the four random african-american singers that entertained us on there as we waited for our stop.  Their harmony was awesome!

And that ends our New York trip.  I can honestly say that it's the great company you have that makes a place so awesome!  No matter where you go in the world, people are just trying to get through life and have fun while doing it!

New York, New York!!...Day 2 & 3

Day 2 takes us to the Gift and Homewares Trade show, the whole reason we are there in the first place...Oh that's right, we're not here for fun, oops!  After walking around there all day and then heading out to explore the city again, my legs were the sorest the next day! I don't think we got to bed till about 1.30am!

That brings us to day 3.  The boys head back to the trade show to do some deals so Kacy and I venture out on our own to discover more of the big apple.  We were so proud of ourselves, we made decision all on our own!  We headed to Famiglia for some awesome pizza and then the best part of the day was flagging down a taxi (yep, I did that all by myself!) so we could go to the most amazing cupcake shop Sprinkles.

 Ok, so these next few photos are going to be one those 'you had to be there' moments.  Kacy and I were in hysterics when we came back to the hotel to devour our newly bought cupcakes.

"What was that?  You want me to eat you?  Well, I'd LOVE to!!"


"Ok, your turn!"

These are seriously the best cupcakes I have ever had.  The raspberry one (above) are absolutely divine!  Even the cake part was raspberry, not just the icing.  YUMMO!  We then continued to laugh at ourselves at how ridiculously giddy we were over these things and our pigginess with them.  Yep, we made out with them!  Haha!  We even took some great photos of ourselves to show it!
But that's for our eyes only, right Kacy!? Right Kacy!

After the boys came back we ventured out again.  Dinner was at Carmine's tonight.  Very busy place and a great atmosphere.  They serve the largest meals here, but they say that's the Italian way!

After dinner, it was show time!
We were so excited to see Cirque de Soleil - Zurkana at the famous Radio City Music Hall.

I was a teenie bit blown away by the grand entrance.

We weren't allowed to take photos during the show...but this was the stage!
Doesn't do it justice to what was behind those curtains. 

This was the cast at the end of the show.  It was absolutely amazing and so entertaining!  Next time I'll remember to take a hand towel to wipe the sweat from my hands as I sit on the edge of my seat!   

The night wasn't over yet!  The show finished around 10pm so we headed to the Rockerfella Centre to get some awesome city views and see the Empire State Building.

The glow of Time Square to the right...

Central Park at night.  It looked like this great big hole in the city!

More pics of the night life...

New York is seriously a great place.  Can't say the shopping was fantastic but the atmosphere was!  I never felt unsafe and everyone there is having a great time and not bothering anyone.  It was so much fun!

New York, New York!!...Day 1

Can you believe I almost passed up the opportunity to come to this place!?  With the guilt of leaving my girls again, including Ivy who's still just a bubba, plus asking my fav in-laws to take all four for 9 days just overruled the need to go.  But thankfully to my wonderful sis-in-law....she convinced me otherwise and then I was there baby with no regrets!

Adam gave Michael the luxury of going first class from LA to NYC so it was Kacy, Adam and I up in cattle this girl!

I kind of like this pic....and to be honest it's all I want to remember about our taxi ride into NY.  
I want to try and forget the bad odours of our Mr Bangladesh taxi driver man!  Ewe!

The day we got there is was pouring down, but that doesn't stop NewYork from going!  We arrived late afternoon and walked and 'ate' the streets until about midnight that night.

The famous Time Square...

We went into a Cathedral, yep, right there in the middle of the city. 
I know it's nothing like what you get in Europe but still pretty impressive!

Carnegie Deli!  
This place has pictures of all the famous people who have visited and I could see why...the food was amazing!  We had The Reuben, a famous dish there.  Not much too it, just a whole lot of the most amazing corn beef with sauerkraut and mozarella cheese.  This is meant to be an open sandwich!  Underneath all that beef was a small piece of bread....but that's the Carnegie way!


Adam and Kacy.

 We slowly 'rolled' our way back to the hotel, exhausted, but excited to see what tomorrow will bring!