Sunday, December 26, 2010

Visiting Nan

We got a phone call about a month or so ago from my Mum's family who live in Moama, Victoria letting us know that my Nan (mum's mum) was in a bad way.  I think she is 84 now with one kidney and a heart that's starting to slow down.  She was on all sorts of medication and starting to go down hill fast.  We honestly thought that we need to go down there and say our goodbyes.  So a week ago my Mum, Dad and I went down to see her but the best part before we left was that she had improved greatly!  It was the concoction of medication the doctors were giving her that was to blame.  So we were able to see Nan in a good way.

This is the first time Nan had met Ivy...she loved Nan.

Our timing was really good.  Just a couple of days before we arrived, Nan had permanently moved into a home with carers so we were able to help put her clothes in the cupboard and organise things so it felt a little like home. 

Here Mum is hanging her clothes in her cupboard. 

It was hard seeing Nan in a home.  It was a major reality check that she's old now.  I had to hold back the tears when I saw her walk out with her walker.  Her hair is grey, she's lost a lot of weight and her voice is croaky.  You think your loved ones will never get to this stage and they'll be young forever.  Not that I dwell on it but I think of Nan passing on and her mother, who died when she was a little girl, waiting there for her and the joyful reunion it will be.  I even throw a thought in there that she will be able to give my Lily a huge hug for me too!

I have to admit, I'm a bit of a dork and love family history and hearing all the stories!  So since we were in the town where Mum grew up (until she was 15), she was able to tell me some stories and show me some places. 

This is Mr. McGilray.  Mum used to work for him at a place called The Caribbean where functions and weddings were held.  She was surprised to see him in the same home as Nan.  He is 94 and on this particular day he was quite confused.  Mum doesn't think he seemed to remember her but he convinced me he did! Poor man kept asking for Heather his daughter because he was worried about her.

I was so excited to finally see my mum's side of the family.  The last time I was down here was when I was 13, so its been 16 years!  Sixteen years too long that is!  

On the left of me is my beautiful cousin Bronnie, Troy her partner and her son Kyle (in the black shirt).  On my right is my cousin Brad his son Isaac and his two daughters Ava (in green) and Grace.  I've never met my cousins kids before so that we really great. It was so good to see everyone again and I had a great time catching up....they really are a great bunch of people and I really wished we all lived closer.

Bronnie, Me and Brad

Isaac, Grace and Ivy.  Grace was so good with Ivy, she always held her and took care of her for me.

Little buddy!  She was really fun to hang out with.  She always said 'come play with me' and every time I said 'what do you want to play' she had no idea!

Uncle Ken (Mum's brother) and Aunty Di. 
Aunty Di would have to be one of the most selfless people I know.

This is where Mum used to work.  Don't you love how it's still got the old school, retro signage!?  Mum said that when 'Mr Dudley' found out that she was working at the Caribbean as well as Carter's, he got annoyed at her and told her she had to choose and couldn't work at both!  The nerve of that man!  haha...of course she chose Carter's!

Mum showed me where she used to live which was with her grandparents, but the house is no longer there but a few houses down was this one.  It was where Eric and Isabelle Kiely lived.  Eric is my great uncle (my grandfather's uncle).  I love seeing old homes like this.  

Last on the tour was the church where Mum and Dad got married...cute little thing huh!

This rainbow made my day.  Call me crazy but I now know why that guy on youtube got so emotional over that double rainbow!!  Haha!  It was a full one too and SO bright!  I got so excited when I saw it.  Absolutely beautiful!

It was a quick four day trip but I'm so glad I went.  Hopefully in the very near future I can bring the whole family down so they can meet all of my family.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

It's those small moments...

There's been so many sweet family moments that have been happening lately.  The holidays are great and so are all the outings but I really believe it's the simple things that make up family life and as a mother I love seeing these moments and I wish I could freeze it all in time.  I've been lucky enough to be able to capture some so here are the ones I'd like to share...(sorry about the bad pics, I don't have time to pull out my good camera so I use my phone).

I love watching Milla play with 'dollhouse' (yep, that's her babies name!)
She is always so gentle and loving.

I love seeing my family chilling out together.  I was walking through the house trying to straighten up and I saw Michael with all the kids.  I love it when he sits down with them, they just love him so much!

Story Time...I often find Sage reading to Milla or Ivy and if I'm lucky, I'll capture Michael too.

 Sage had made a chill out area under our computer desk and read stories to Milla.

The girls looking through their baby photo albums.
It's always nice to see your kids sitting quietly together, chatting softly.

Sisterly Love.  I love seeing my girls love and care for each other.  Whether it's an arm around each other while watching TV or helping another to put her hair up...this is what family is all about!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Schools Out!

I can't believe how fast this year has gone and I can't believe Sage has finished her first year of school!  I remember her first day...her stomach was in knots and she was constantly crying.  But she survived, like we knew she would and is now ready for grade one.

Here she is on her last day with her teacher Mrs Whalley.
She was a great teacher and gave Sage a lot of confidence.

Miss Ella also had a great year in year one.  Her teacher was Mrs Boyd and she has also been another great teacher. Ella has been lucky to have her again next year.

Before I know it, Milla and Ivy will be at school and I'll be all alone....mwahhhahahaha!!  Just kidding!  I think it will be a very sad day when I no longer have any of my kids at home with me.  But thankfully for now, I only have to send two off to school.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

We're famous!...well not just yet!

I received an email from Bree, a friend of mine, asking if the girls would like to be in a short video that's promoting Steve Parish's latest book which is celebrating 50 years of photography. For those of you who don't know Steve Parish, you can read more about him here. So for 50 days leading up to Christmas they are posting a video on youtube. The girls were day 13!

So one hot and sweaty afternoon, Bree and Rosie came over and set up to film the girls. I was a bit concerned about Sage and Milla (we all know Ella loved the idea!) but they totally performed. It's a very raw and candid video (hence the monotone singing) but that's the whole point! Milla is a crack-up trying to sing with the girls, take note of how she's a few words behind them, so funny! So here it is!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Ella in Wonderland.

I couldn't be more proud!  Ella had her first concert last week and we were finally able to see her strut her stuff.  She initially chose to do Jazz at the beginning of the year but a few months, in her teacher suggested we put her into ballet. She said she has great technique, rhythm and co-ordination (must take after me...boy, have I got some moves!)  I guess all those dancing sessions in the lounge room with her fairy dress on paid off huh!  So for the past year, once a week, she has been learning to dance both Jazz and ballet.

She was so excited to finally get dressed into her costume...Here she is waiting in the dressing room before going on stage.

Waiting anxiously...

The story was Alice in Wonderland and Ella and her class were the butterflies.
She is second from the right.

Next up Jazz!

Ella is the first left from the boy.

Ella and the two other girls were the only ones on stage at one time and did cart wheels across the stage. This part here they were so out of timing, but they soon got back on track again.

At the end of the night, Ella was awarded "Highest Marks' for her Jazz Test 1 exam
that she did earlier in the year.

Mama Lyn, Jodie and Nate came to watch also and afterwards Nate gave Ella a rose.
What a gentleman!

Proud parents we are!!