Friday, December 24, 2010

Schools Out!

I can't believe how fast this year has gone and I can't believe Sage has finished her first year of school!  I remember her first day...her stomach was in knots and she was constantly crying.  But she survived, like we knew she would and is now ready for grade one.

Here she is on her last day with her teacher Mrs Whalley.
She was a great teacher and gave Sage a lot of confidence.

Miss Ella also had a great year in year one.  Her teacher was Mrs Boyd and she has also been another great teacher. Ella has been lucky to have her again next year.

Before I know it, Milla and Ivy will be at school and I'll be all alone....mwahhhahahaha!!  Just kidding!  I think it will be a very sad day when I no longer have any of my kids at home with me.  But thankfully for now, I only have to send two off to school.

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