Friday, December 3, 2010

Ella in Wonderland.

I couldn't be more proud!  Ella had her first concert last week and we were finally able to see her strut her stuff.  She initially chose to do Jazz at the beginning of the year but a few months, in her teacher suggested we put her into ballet. She said she has great technique, rhythm and co-ordination (must take after me...boy, have I got some moves!)  I guess all those dancing sessions in the lounge room with her fairy dress on paid off huh!  So for the past year, once a week, she has been learning to dance both Jazz and ballet.

She was so excited to finally get dressed into her costume...Here she is waiting in the dressing room before going on stage.

Waiting anxiously...

The story was Alice in Wonderland and Ella and her class were the butterflies.
She is second from the right.

Next up Jazz!

Ella is the first left from the boy.

Ella and the two other girls were the only ones on stage at one time and did cart wheels across the stage. This part here they were so out of timing, but they soon got back on track again.

At the end of the night, Ella was awarded "Highest Marks' for her Jazz Test 1 exam
that she did earlier in the year.

Mama Lyn, Jodie and Nate came to watch also and afterwards Nate gave Ella a rose.
What a gentleman!

Proud parents we are!!  

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