Monday, November 29, 2010


We had our first Halloween ever!  But it would have been sooo much better if all our girls were there with us.  Seeing my nieces and nephew dress up and watch their faces when they could pic out huge candy bars was something I wanted to share with my girls.  But it was still such a great night and lots of fun for us all.

First things first...time to dress up! Isn't that the cutest little lady beetle you've ever seen?

I think she could pass as an Anne Geddes doll here...but I am her mummy!

Kirra, Sydney, Ivy and Finn

Ivy with her treat bucket.

Dig deep Ivy and make sure you grab one for mummy!
I think we got her a total of 5 candies...that's all Michael and I needed...he,he.

Riding in the back of the ute...saved us from a whole lot of walking!

That would have to conclude our trip...We also did plenty of shopping and eating of course!   I had a great time over there but was so anxious to get back to my girls.  It made me realise that two or three days is plenty to have some time out from being a mum and recharge.  They are such a huge part of my life.  Watching their faces is priceless when encountered with a new experience and I want to be there every step of the way!

1 comment:

  1. How fun!!! I am so glad you got to spend some time away from kiddos for a few days, it really does help to re-charge the batteries:) It really is great to have sister-in-laws that you love to hang out with, you guys looked like you had so much fun together:)
