Monday, November 29, 2010

It was such a nice day outside!

I don't think I have laughed as hard as I did this day...I seriously did some hard laughing!  Adam, Kacy, Michael and I went 4-wheeling (we were on a 6-wheeler) up into the mountains.  How far did we have to go?  Just down the street!  If you look at this pic, right in the middle is a teeny tiny house with some green grass...that's my brother's house!  And here we are up in the mountains.

This the machine that made me laugh so hard.  The track was soooo bumpy and watching Michael in the corning of my eye trying to keep control of this thing while going over some serious bumps was HIL.ARI.OUS!!

Some gorgeous views.

Adam and Kacy

Ok, so this is a totally "you had to be there" moment...but Kacy, how funny was this!...

Michael getting back to nature....literally.  And with an awesome view might I add!  Can you see the clouds in the background.  Nice and dense, low and heading in our direction.  We totally got caught in the rain on our way back which seemed to take FOREVER!  I have never been so cold in all my life and absolutely soaked all the way through.  I wish I had photos of it but I couldn't bring the camera out because it was pouring down.  Again, we laughed so hard and couldn't believe the situation we were in. We all looked like drowned rats when we got home and quickly rushed to a nice hot shower.

We got to a point in the track where we couldn't take the 4-wheeler's any further so we had to walk to get higher.

This day would have to be one of my highlights of the trip.  We have so many laughs with Adam and Kacy and it's so awesome to be around people you feel totally relaxed with.  We can't remember what we were laughing about here but I'm guessing it was pretty funny!  Love this pic!

1 comment:

  1. Ive gotta do this post still! I still crack up thinking about hearing your laughs from a mile away! So. much. fun.
