Monday, November 29, 2010

Finn...the son we'll never have!

This is Finn my nephew and I would have to say he is the coolest little dude EVER!!   Each morning, around the same time, he would come into our room to see if we were awake.  He would say "Miiicckkeeeee!"  and then as soon as he saw Ivy he would say so enthusiastically, while putting he hands high above his head, "hey-yo Eye-beeee!"  and then come to give her a big kiss.  He is the sweetest little boy and I can honestly say I miss being able to see that little dude every day.

On the first morning we were able to wake up to snow!  Wasn't much, but it was enough to go out and roll some snow balls.

One day we were looking for Finn as none of us had seen him for a little bit.  As we looked outside, here he was, all by himself, sitting on the 6-wheeler pretending he was driving it.  He is all boy I tell ya!!  Michael just had to take him for a drive. 

Not long after Michael came inside and said to me with a big grin on his face "you have to come and see Finn's face...

  Look at that little man's face!  He LOVES it!! 
HAHAHAHA!!  I am still laughing!!

Other than having the wind blow in his hair as he rides on the 6-wheeler...Finn LOVES balls.  Ivy had the privilege of seeing just how much he loves them.

Little Finners...we love and miss you so much!  Can't wait to see you soon! xx

1 comment:

  1. Anytime I need a laugh I'm coming to look at this post!!!! So funny that little man is!
