Monday, November 29, 2010

USA Trip...Mickey and Kinny style!!

Michael and I headed over to the US as a last minute decision on my behalf.  After having Ivy I really felt weighed down with all my responsibilities as a mother of four.  I must admit, having a 'depressed' state of mind didn't help, but I just wanted to get away and be 'Corinne' and not a mum.  So, what else do you do to have some time to to America to hang out with my sister-in-law!  I can honestly say that I love that girl and really feel like she's my sister (don't worry Jodie, I feel like your my sister too!)  But Kacy and I have so much in common and she is the best listener when I need to vent.  I really feel like we connect on issues of being a women, motherhood, a housewife and all things that encounter being a women and the responsibilities that come with it.

So yes, I went to get away from all my responsibilities as a mother.  After the initial decision, and once I worked through a few things and was able to be happier within myself, I started to feel guilty for leaving the kids.  I kept telling myself "you've been a mother for the last 7 years - either pregnant, breastfeeding or just had a baby, surely I can have 10 days to myself!" Then my thoughts turned to, "what happens if the plane crashes and both Michael and I die, the kids won't have anyone, what have I done!!"  I even made a call to my brother asking him if he will look after my girls if anything was to happen to us!

But surprise, surprise the plane didn't crash and I'm here to tell the story.  I really missed the girls the first couple of days (well, I really missed them the whole time) but I felt it more at first.  But it really was a great, stress free trip and it was also great to spend some time with Michael without the stress of kids.

First up was Halloween!  We all piled in the cars and headed down to Tamera's (Kacy's sister) house for a traditional pumpkin carving night!  We weren't told about 'wearing a moustache while you do it' part until just before but we thought we'd get into it and put one on....(sorry about the fuzzy pics, I forgot my camera and only had my phone).

How cheesy is my grin!

We all sprawled out over the carpet and started digging out the guts (as the yanks call it)

Sydney my niece..."Ewwe...pumpkin guts!"

Mum and Kacy

The finished pumpkin...pretty impressive for our first!

It was really fun to spend some time with Kacy's family and join in on their tradition.  But to be honest with you all I could think about was how I wished the girls were there to see it!

More to come...

1 comment:

  1. Youre know that right? I loved hanging out and feel so truly blessed to have had you, even if it was only 10 days! I totally get it about missing the many of the activities were "kid" based! Next year right?
