Monday, November 29, 2010


I am not a huge sports fan, there are certain sports I like to watch but even then it's no big deal to me.  Saying that, we went to the Utah Jazz opening home basketball game while over there.  I can honestly say that the best parts of the night was good company with Adam and Kacy and my parents, dinner, the caramel apple Michael and I shared (seriously, they are sooo yummy!) and when the game finished!

It was so funny....when it was time to announce the Jazz team, fireworks exploded, massive nets holding a tonne of purple and gold balloons open and they all fell around us, the crowd is yelling "Go Jazz!" and whistling and all other sorts of paraphernalia....and you know what the funny part was....they hadn't even won yet!!  I couldn't believe all of that was to just announce the team!  They could have fed a whole village from a third world country with the money they spent.  And want to know something else really funny....they didn't win either, it was a crappy game!!

But you know who did enjoy it?  Ivy!
She amazed us all with how long she sat still staring at the game...

Even though I don't get into basketball, I can certainly see why the yanks love it so much!  As always, when they do something, they do it big!

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