Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My two 'different' little mummies.

I love, love, love that my girls all have their own little personalities.  I would have to say that Ella is my most trying at this stage, mainly being an emotional wreck at times. Michael and I often find ourselves looking at each other with absolute disbelief and horror when she breaks down and cries over the littlest things!  But saying that she would have to be the most caring and affectionate out of all of them, so far anyway ;)

Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that they are so different, especially when it comes to their interpretations of being a mummy to Ivy.

I asked Ella if she could hold Ivy for me while I do something.  After calling for her, I finally find her outside, no where near Ivy (well, she was outside, but certainly not near her....I think she was prancing around, as Ella does).  As soon as I came near the front door I could see where she had laid Ivy...

Haha!  It's one of those moments where you want to rouse but the laughter takes over and you can see the funny side. At least she looks happy enough huh!

Later that afternoon, I needed an extra pair of hands again, and had Sage take her this time.  This is what Sage did with her....

I said to her "What are you doing?", she said "Getting Ivy ready for bed".  She had taken it upon herself to go change her nappy and put her pj's on ready for bed! 

And there you have it, my two different mummies!  One who has her own agenda and does whatever she feels like doing and then you have the other who sees a need and acts upon it.   I love my kids!


  1. I love that photo of Ivy in the grass, she looks so content:)

  2. That is hilarious and sounds oh so true :) Love it though!!!
