Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Milla starts Kindy...

Milla was so excited and sooo ready to start kindy this year.  I was excited for her too because it was getting a little boring at home with her Mummy!

This is her first day.  She insisted on wearing a ton of hairbands on her wrist...stylin'!

After settling in, she was chosen as the first person to bring Jamima, her kindy bear, home for the weekend.

Jamima helped Milla make some lunch...

And play with the guinea pigs on the trampoline!

Last month, she got to bring home Sky Blue, the kindy bird, for the weekend.  He wasn't very tame so we couldn't get him out of his cage.  But he sang some beautiful songs!

She helped changed his water and give him some new food.

Ivy helped too.

We thought he would like to be outside but the wild birds kept jumping on his cage and he seemed scared so we didn't leave him outside for long.

There has been a few times where Milla hasn't want to go to Kindy.  She doesn't like rest time even though she doesn't have to sleep.  Most kids leave their sheets at home until Friday but Milla was adamant she had to bring them home everyday!  She's a lot better now and leaves them there.  She loves painting, playing with goo and clay, drawing and making bread rolls! 

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