Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sage's Baptism...

I've mentioned in a previous post, turning 8 is a special time in our family because it's the age you get baptised in our church.  Sage was lucky to share her baptism day with her friend Trace who turned 8 a couple of weeks after her.  This is the photo that we had on their invitation.

Aren't they the cutest!?

The big day!

Baptised by her Daddy.

Afterwards we had some refreshments and mingled with friends and family.
 I love having those closest to us around on special occasions.  

 Sage's best friend from school was there to share her special day.

All of their awesome friends that were there.

Sage, we are so proud of you and the choice you made to make promises with your Heavenly Father.  Both Daddy and I know they will give you direction and meaning to your life.  

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