Thursday, September 27, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Ivy!...

My baby is 2!  Where in the world did those years go?  The more children you have it seems the less time you have to relish in their growth each and every day.  Life get's busy and then all of a sudden they are turning 2, then 10, then 18 then they are getting married! :(  I wish I could freeze time and keep them as they are!

Ivy loved her birthday and you can tell she loved having all her family around her.  We don't go overboard with birthday's but I think just having the people around that love and care about Ivy makes it more memorable for them...oh, and the cake!  The cake is always remembered!

Ella and Sage helping Ivy read a card...

A pram!...(many prams have been bought over the years! ;)

...And babies.

The family came over for some dinner and cake...
And Sage, well she was just her normal entertaining self!

Crazy Sisters...

Special kisses from Daddy...

I love cake!!..

Present time...

A special name bracelet from Mama Lyn...

I remember someone saying to me that Ivy will be the 'icing on the cake' for our family and I have would have to agree!  Our family wouldn't be the same without her and I look forward to her little personality shining as the years go by.

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