Thursday, September 27, 2012

Our Beautiful Dancing Girl...

As Ella becomes that little bit older where she's really getting more and more into dancing.  A year ago I would have to force her to go but I think as she get's older, she appreciates it more and enjoys going and being apart of a team.  This year was her first year in the Eisteddfod team and is by invitation only.  She was hesitant at first to make a commitment but we encouraged her that it teaches her responsibility and also how great it is to be apart of something where you share it with others.  She had to learn three new dances.  Her favourite dance is slow modern (blue costume) where she dances to a song from Tangled.

Photography is not allowed while they are on stage so we can only capture her before she goes on...

 Dolly Dance...Song & Dance

Some of the girls in her team...


Slow Modern...

On this particular day, the girls got 1st for their Dolly Dance, 3rd for their Ballet and Highly Commended for their Slow Modern.  It was the first time they competed together and the teacher was impressed they placed so well since they are a new team.  They have since had many more placements in each competition.Well done girls!!

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