Thursday, September 27, 2012


I have to admit it...the drive to O'Reily's is hard!  It seems to take forever to get there and the winding road always makes me feel sick.  But, it is such a great place to take the kids and it really is beautiful up there.  

Beautiful, tall trees that line the road...

Our favourite part and pretty much the only reason we come up here, is to feed the 
beautiful, colourful native birds. 

HAHA!...Look at Ivy.  Digging for a gold....then....Mmmm, yum!

 Kacy was freaked out by the birds...and so was little Ivy (she hated them!)

And I couldn't help but laugh...(mean Mum that I am! hehe)

I love this pic of Sydney and Ella.

Afterwards we went and had a lovely picnic then a walk through the tree tops through the rainforest.  We we're scratched and tired but it was such a great day!

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