Friday, September 28, 2012

I Love Instagram!!

Why? Because it captures MOMENTS.  How many times a day do you have special moments that you want to remember without an elaborate story behind it.  Just nice and simple!  I wanted to put some of my favourite pics I've taken so far into one place.

(If you follow me on Instagram you would have seen these already.)

My baby's face light up when we sing her happy birthday...

Having all my girls around me...

Beautiful flowers my husband brings home to me to show he loves me...

A beautiful rose for my sister-in-law to celebrate the safe arrival of her twins...

Skyping my daughters...

Dirty faces... 

Watching my sweet children sleep...

Little hands getting dirty and loving it...

Sisterly love...

Beautiful sunsets to remind me that God is real...

Happy girls enjoying time with their daddy..

The beautiful world we live in...

Seeing my eldest and youngest sleeping together...

Spending time with Grandpa...

Milla's personality that makes me smile...

Ella showing kindness...

Exhausting technology...

 Being around loved ones on their birthday...

Chillin' with Milla at night...

Sweet little hands that make things...

Static hair that makes me laugh...

Seeing my girls play with their Dad...

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